OnTheQT spent a day touring the beautiful town of Cobh, Co. Cork and our trip couldn’t be complete without a little visit to the ‘Cobh Heritage Centre’ to discover ‘The Queenstown Story’. Many cruises arrive into Cobh each week but there is something very special that people coming off the boat don’t realise! Only a few feet from where they dock, lies a building steeped in Irish history. As you walk through the doors, you can savour the atmosphere of the restored Victorian Railway in Cobh. As you enter, you cannot help but feel as if you are going back in time and stepping into a Victorian train railway. As you look all around, you cannot help but strole around and admire the items, which make you feel like you are back in time. The gems that surround the ‘Cobh Hertiage Centre’ assist in savouring this atmosphere of the Victorian Railway in Cobh. From antique suitcases to the Victorian, wooden trucks. All around lies little gems in every corner, which are steeped in history.
You cannot help but learn in the heritage centre as information surrounds you as you walk through the doors. Over 6 million adults and children emigrated from Ireland between 1848 – 1950. Of that, over 2.5 million departed from Cobh. This makes Cobh the single most important port of emigration long ago. Emigration arouse as a result of poverty, crop failures, the land system and a lack of opportunity in Ireland. As we know, there is always a way out and long ago escape from this country was seen as the only way out and the only chance of survival, therefore 2.5 million departed from Cobh port. The Cobh Heritage centre is packed with history and stories throughout the place to bring you back in time and discover traditions, heritage, feelings about emigration and what it was like to have to emigrate.
Everybody knows of the famous Titanic ship but what some people don’t realise is that on the voyage to America on the 11th of April 1912, Cobh(then named the Queenstown) was the last post of call. Within ‘Cobh Hertiage Centre’, you can see the Titanic history all around.
An amazing, wooden sample ship is centered on display for all to see (QT Tip: This is a great display that kids would love to see, admire and explore a ship close up). The spectacular display and wooden boat is completed to perfect. It is a great addition to ‘Cobh Heritage Centre’.
While you are visiting the ‘Cobh Heritage Centre’, we would highly recommend stopping off at the restaurant and enjoying a hot meal, sandwiches(we loved the toasted sandwiches) or if you have a sweet tooth like us, try some tasty pastries or some treats. Savour the atmosphere of the Victorian Railway with a sweet treat! Great way to end the tour! A great Irish shop ‘Christys’ lies just next door to pick up any souvenirs and for a spot of shopping!
Top QT Tips
- Take a half an hour out of your day, whether on a day trip to Cobh or on-board a cruise ship (its only a few steps away for where the ship docks)!
- Check out the Victorian style Railway Station that surrounds you as you enter the door.
- Explore the big display ship(well worth a visit to see this spectacular piece and kids will love it).
- Discover the history of Irish emigration in the great exhibition.
- Finish off with a toastie and tea in the restaurant.
- End on a sweet note – try some delicious pastries in the restaurant. (You know our favourite QT quote at this stage….)
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OnTheQT had a great visit to Cobh and we can honestly say ‘The Cobh Heritage Centre’ was definitely on our top list! The unique gems that bring you right back in time, from the knowledge that is cherished in each little corner to the spectacular displays and bubbly staff….what more could we want!
Take time out to step back in time and discover the history of Cobh.
Some extra infomation:
Address: Cobh, The Queenstown Story, Cobh Heritage Centre, Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland
Tel: 353 (21) 4 813591
Email: info@cobhheritage.com
Website: www.cobhheritage.com
Opening Hours
Cobh Heritage Centre (The Centre is open 7 days a week)
Monday to Saturday 9.30 am to 6.00pm
Sundays and Bank Holidays 11.00 am to 6.00 pm
[Note: Last Admissions to the exhibition are at 5.00 pm]
Queenstown Story Restaurant
Open 9.30 am to 5.15pm
Sundays and Bank Holidays 11.00 am to 5.15pm