About Us
Travel – It leaves you speechless… then turns you into a storyteller!
OnTheQT is by the locals for the explorer – a travel blog, vlog and digital marketing company. We are globe trotters who are passionate about travel. We love to showcase our adventures, hidden gems and unique places around the world as we discover them! We all have places off the beaten track that ‘as locals’ we fall in love with and return again and again.
We’ve travelled to over 90 different countries, written 1000’s of blog posts and had a lot of fun along the way.
As Seen On

OnTheQT Clothing
OnTheQT is not your typical tourist attractions. OnTheQT’s clothing line is reflective of our brand, it is not your typical fleece and swim robes, its unique. Our clothing line isn’t your standard typical fleece or swim robe, its unique and true to the brand. All the patterns are designed just for OnTheQT Clothing. You won’t find them anywhere else.
Each of our patterns were influenced by our adventures. For example our patterns are inspired by sea swimming in Ireland, the vibrant nature on our hiking adventures and tropical vibes from our global experiences. Inspired by the OnTheQT travels, all the fleeces are named after places that stood out during travels on OnTheQT.

Meet the crew!
Stephanie Lynch, Founder/QT Blogger/Video Producer

Stephanie Lynch is a travel blogger and worldwide content creator. Her background in within the TV industry but she decided to take a leap of faith outside of her comfort zone and create a job that she loves and has a passion for, mixing her love of content creation and travel.
Stephanie launched OnTheQT.ie in March 2013. The idea for OnTheQT came to her while spending a summer working in Cape Cod, USA. While working in Cape Cod, she met great friends who allowed her to experience the place through the eyes of the locals. When she came back to Ireland, she realised people weren’t seeing the local gems so she launched OnTheQT.ie to fill that gap. Now an international company, Stephanie is excited about what the future holds for OnTheQT.
Stephanie won Cork’s Best Young Entrepreneur 2015, while also winning Ireland’s Best Vlog 2016 for her innovative travel series.
Stephanie loves to travel and experience new places and cultures. She has a passion for adventure and loves any activities on the water. Her favourite holiday of all time was island hopping in Croatia, a once in a lifetime experience.
Guest Bloggers




Clara is a college student currently on her year abroad in Utrecht, the Netherlands. She’s taken advantage of the excellent Dutch public transport and gone on a few weekend trips to cities such as Brussels, Cologne, Copenhagen, Prague and Barcelona. Clara hopes to collect a postcard from every country off her “Wanderlust”.

Grace is a filmmaker/ traveller and communications officer. Her first big backpacking trip was for two months around South America, since then she has taken my bag and my camera, and soloed around Southern Africa, South East Asia, Eastern Europe, Japan and the States. She is currently based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.