Blogger: Stephanie Lynch
Our first morning waking up in the beautiful Vancouver. We woke to a little rain but after 4 weeks of heat…. we were mighty glad to see this!! So we decided to get our bearings around West Vancouver and do a few jobs. We went grocery shopping(this country is so healthy… I love grocery shopping here!!), unpacked and did some washing(all the boring stuff).
The afternoon brightened up so we decided to relax on the balcony and make the most of the sunshine. We then cooked dinner(this is such a treat after eating out so much, especially with their fresh produce). We then went out exploring for the evening. We stumbled upon Sunset Beach and watched the sun setting… our first sunset in Canada and it was beautiful. The day was finished with ice cream on the beach… the perfect way to end a day.
We have lots of adventures coming up in the next few days. Our batteries are recharged and we are ready to EXPLORE VANCOUVER…
Over and Out for now from Vancouver,
lovely read