On The QT

Barcelona Day 2

We are delighted to share our next vlog from our Barcelona trip. Episode 2 where we explore the Sagrada Familia, the Barri Gòtic and uncover some of Barcelonas history on a Segway tour. There’s far too much to see in Barcelona to sleep in so we got up early to make the most of our day. Our first stop was La Sagrada Familia which is a large Roman Catholic church designed by catalan architect Gaudi. Although still incomplete (the first stone was laid in 1882) the church is a UNESCO world heritage site. It is so popular that you must purchase your tickets in advance for later on that day. (Travel Tip: Book your ticket online before your arrive to save time.) With our evening sorted, we headed for breakfast in a beautiful snug café with a wooden interior and fresh bunches of lavender on each table to plan out the rest of our day over some chocolat pains, fresh fruit salads, and creamy caramel lattes… Yum!!

We decided to go to the Barri Gòtic and uncover some of Barcelonas history on a Segway tour! A magical stone bricked neighbourhood with a labyrinthine street plan, and small windy streets which open onto squares (placas) is how I would best describe the Gothic Quarter (Barri Gotic) of Barcelona. Closed to regular traffic, spotted with gorgeous architecture, and full to the brim with stories from its interesting past, it is a truly wonderful part of the city to explore!  This area of the city was gorgeous and the Segway tour was a great, fun way to see it. It was made up of winding alleyways and cobblestone pathways. There was something new to discover around every corner. It was as though we had gone back in time with big thick black lanterns and old-fashioned shutters that looked as though they had been lifted right out of a film set.

When we got back to La Sagrada Familia for our tour later that evening, we began to understand why it was such a popular attraction. It was exquisite. Although there is a lot of controversy surrounding the building of La Sagrada Familia, (such as new construction materials being used which, some feel, Gaudí himself would not have used), it is definitely a must see on your trip to Barcelona!

As soon as we entered the Cathedral… we began to understand why it has taken so long to construct! The attention to detail is absolutely outstanding! We stood in fascination turning around in circles admiring every corner, every centimetre of the building! The glass windows are stained with every colour of the rainbow… and as the sun shone through them, it felt as though we really were somewhere magical!

There are multiple towers surrounding the actual cathedral itself… ..when completed, the highest tower will be more than half as high again as those that stand today! There is a separate tour you can do of these… which we decided to do! After locking our belongings into a locker, and hopping into a lift that looked like something going to space, we arrived on what felt like the top of the world! By far the best view of the entire city, we stood in silence watching what looked like miniature people below us! It was amazing! After visiting the main church area, we got a lift up to the towers and enjoyed views of the entire city. What a way to spend the evening.

As we exited the building, we decided to ask a local where we should eat our dinner. A very chic restaurant was recommended where they cook up the food specific to your order right in front of you. We could choose what type of pasta with a choice of sauces and toppings. We basically designed our own dinner!

Our appetites satisfied, and our feet tired, we made our way back to our hotel to make adventure plans for the next day!

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