On The QT


Racing down snow-capped mountain sides, sipping on mulled wine and sleeping snug between ice-hotel walls is how most people think of this principality in Europe, neatly wedged between France and Spain in the Eastern Pyrenees. With easy access to some of Europes hidden gems, Andorra really and truly is one of Western Europes most intriguing mini – nations.

Best time to visit:

Mid December – April (ski season)

Top things to see:

  1. Cobbled streets and hidden squares of Andorra la Vella’s quaint historic quarter,
  2. Andorra’s 3 valleys (each justifys a one day hike) ,
  3. Grandvalira – the largest ski area in the Pyrenees.

Top things to do:

  1. Ski the winter slopes,
  2. Wallow at Europes largest spa complex – in Andorra la Vella,
  3. Hike between tobacco fields,
  4. Rip along downhill, cross – country and log – tree mountain bike trails at the bike park in La Massana.

Local cuisine:

Trinxat (Bacon, potatoes, and cabbage), with Mulled wine that’s been laced with lemon, apple, raisins, cinnamon, and cognac.

Random fact:

Just 33% of people in Andorra are Andorran – making them a minority in their own country! Spaniards dominate!

If you have ever gone on a skiing trip to Andorra, we would LOVE to hear from you! Simply e-mail us at OntheQT.ie@gmail.com

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