Nothing beats hopping on a plane to travel off to explore a new destination. Over the years we have noticed a few things that people do regularly on their travels which they should never ever do. In this blog post we are going to share with you 20 things you should NEVER EVER do while travelling. Some things might seem obvious but you might just need reminding of before your next trip and other points are things you might never have thought about before. These are the things you should never ever do on your travels. If you have any to add, just leave a comment below and add to the list.
Here are 20 things you should NEVER EVER do while travelling:
Never ever plan every minute of every day on your trip
We all fall into the trap of making a list of things we want to do, places we want to see and even restaurants we want to eat at. There is no problem with making a list and doing some research before your trip but try not to plan every second of the trip. Give yourself time to explore off the beaten track, get to know the locals and allow your schedule to incorporate some of the local gems and attractions you learn about on your trip. We do recommend making a list of a few things you want to see during your trip but try to leave some of your itinerary open for new additions. Try your best to get to know a place through the eyes of the locals and immerse yourself in the culture.
Never ever pack too much
It might seem like an obvious thing but we are all guilty of it. We aren’t saying this just for the flight luggage allowance, we are thinking of you dragging around a big heavy bag as you move from destination to destination. The lighter you pack, the easier your life will be on your travels. Always check the weather in the destination before you pack as it will give you an insight of what to pack. Be sure to only pack what you know you will wear in the destination. Plan out each day of your travels and what you will wear each day as this will help you to avoid throwing things you won’t end up wearing into the case.
Never ever try to see everything
Trying to see absolutely everything will cause you to burn out and you will end up not enjoy your trip as much as you should. It is very tempting to try to make the absolute most out of your trip and try to see everything possible but this will only make you get stressed on your holiday. Unless you are there for a very long time, you will never get to see everything. You have to be realistic and prioritise what you are most interested in and what is most important for you to see because otherwise you will end up rushing around from one place to another. Take time to actually be in the moment and enjoy it.
Never ever expect everything to go to plan
Always think of the ‘what if’. Travel doesn’t always go to plan so try not to let it ruin your travels if something doesn’t go to your plan. Expect the unexpected! You can plan everything but at the end of the day delays can happen, flights get cancelled, weather storms arrive and your best option is to try to go with the flow. Don’t let it get to you. Be prepared for the trip not to go exactly to your plan. Just get all the information about the change, stay calm and adapt your plan.
Never ever book accommodation without doing your research
Always look for the best option in each destination. In some locations a hotel might be the best option but in others it might be a B&B, an Airbnb or a hostel. Do your research online to insure the place you book is in the best location and has the most reasonable price you can find online. This could mean checking a few different websites to compare prices. Also don’t forget to check the main website of the accommodation you are looking at too because that might end up being the most reasonably priced.

Never ever travel without insurance, visas and vaccines
These are the practical things you should never ever travel without because you wont get too far without them and you never know when you might need them. Before you travel to a new destination, insure you have the visas you need, along with the vaccines you need. Researching this is the most important research you will do for your trip. Be sure to do this in advance in order to arrange the visas needed and schedule any vaccines you might need because these things can take a bit of time so try not to leave it to last minute. Insure you purchase travel insurance before you go. Check out our top tips for taking out travel insurance here.
Never ever travel at the same time as everybody else
Always think outside the box when travelling. Avoid the busy flights such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Summer Holidays etc. Think about starting your day a little earlier for a flight or travelling in advance of the busiest travel days because this will make your trip more reasonable. Be flexible when booking flights and allow yourself the freedom to pick the most reasonable date and time to fly. It will help you will get a better deal and save some money for your adventures.
Never ever travel without learning some phrases in the local language
Always think about brushing up on the local language. This does not mean you have to be fluent in the language but learning some key phrases will help you on your trip. At least learn phrases such as; hello, thank you, please, have a nice day, can you help me etc. because this will show you are making an effort to communicate in their language and you are embracing the local culture.
Never ever eat in the main tourist areas
Always take a wander away from the typical tourist areas for dinner as prices can be very expensive in the main tourist areas. Look at the restaurants that are busy with locals and try to eat there. If you go a little outside the tourist hotspots, you will get better food at a more reasonable price. If the locals eat there, it must be good.
Never ever exchange money at the airport
The airport is the worst place you can exchange money for your trip because of the high rates. Organise to pick up your cash in the bank or local post office before the trip. The rates will be much better than the ones in the airport so plan ahead and save some money. If you wait for the last minute at the airport, you will end up paying a much higher rate.
Never ever spend too much time on social media
Nowadays, we are all guilty of posting the trip on the go with social media or getting that perfect Instagram shot and because of this people end up exploring a destination through their phone. Remember to put your phone away and be in the moment. A lot of the time, we will take photos during the day but post a few days after the trip. We try to be in the moment while we are exploring. There is loads of time when you get back from your trip to post the content so soak up the atmosphere, immerse yourself in the experience and get lost in the beauty of the destination you are exploring. Be in the moment.
Never ever be disrespectful to the culture of the destination.
Every country is different so do your research and never do anything disrespectful of their culture. You are a visitor and you need to respect the culture of the country you are visiting.
Never ever drink the tap water without knowing it is safe
You might be used to filling up your water bottle with tap water at home but in some countries the water isn’t drinkable and will make you sick. Remember that sometimes it might be perfect for locals to drink as they have built up a tolerance to it but it can still make you very sick. That being said, in some countries it is perfectly safe to drink water from the tap. Just do you research to see if the water is drinkable because you don’t want to become sick during your travels. If you’re not sure, drink bottled water.
Never ever only order what you know
Travel is all about new experiences, cultures and tastes so don’t be afraid to taste the local produce and dishes. Immerse yourself in the cuisine and try the local food. It is all about new experiences and this is a great way to do just that. One of our favourite things to do in a new destination is to try a cooking class to learn how to cook the local cuisine because it gives you a taste of the destination.
Never ever put yourself in danger
A wise person once told me, if you don’t feel safe don’t do it. There will be times on your travels that you need to make a call. If you don’t feel comfortable or you feel it’s not safe to go somewhere, trust your gut feeling and don’t do it. You need to trust your intuition on what is safe and what is not. Never put yourself in any form of danger. Keep your guard up and be aware of your surroundings.
Never ever not know how to get back to where you are staying
If you are in a new destination, always keep track on how to get home even if you are in a big group because you could easily get separated from the group and knowing how to get back to your hotel, hostel etc. is key.
Never ever only have a plan A
Always have a backup plan. Always have plan B in mind if your initial plan fails because things can change very quickly while travelling so be sure to have an alternative plan if anything goes wrong. The backup plan!

Never ever only rely on a taxi.
It may seem like the easy option to grab a taxi but it is the expensive option. Don’t be afraid to use public transport to get around as it will give allow you to get to know the area a little better as you have to navigate yourself and not rely on someone else to get you there.
Never ever put your valuables in your checked luggage
Always put your valuables in your hand luggage – jewellery, laptops, cameras, money etc. Your checked bag could go missing or your valuables could get damaged. We also always put a change of clothes in our hand luggage, just in case your checked bag goes missing. Pack all your essential items in your hand luggage.
Never ever end a trip without ticking it off your travel bucket list
Our travel bucket list is never ending so when you tick off a location, get moving on planning your next destination. Life is short so make the most of it. Travel the world, experience new destinations and live your life to the full. Immerse yourself in the culture, cuisine and adventure.